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Psychic Body Wizards – the Journey – Day #2

… And here I want to live clean AND happy.

In my coaching session today with my business coach, I had the chance to talk out exactly what I was trying to achieve by juicing for ten days.

I want to FEEL the psychic/physical connection in a really big way so I can finally believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that how we treat our bodies matter.

I want to prove and provide solutions for people who want to be healthy, own fancy houses, go on holidays, have lots of money, drive their favorite cars and live their happy authentic lives without the stress – but rather using their psychic ability.

I want to prove that if you treat yourself right, then the world will be right for you and with you. I want to share the tools that it takes to have, be a do whatever we want – forever.

I have done years and years of deep work on my psychic and medium development, and continue to still.Now I want to add the depth of the physical like it has never been done.

I want to add it for the average person, the one who doesn’t want to be a granola cruncher, vegan or vegetarian. I want to add it for those who want to be happy and have it all. Oh yes I do.

Personal update:I am coming to the end of day 2 of the juice fast and I feel amazing.I worked all afternoon and still have gas in my tank.

Enjoy your evenings and keep a heads up for the continuation tomorrow… Day #3 Feb 12, 2014…