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As Seasons Change…

As Seasons Change…

As of April 9th, I will no longer be a College Student. The ceramics course I have been taking is coming to an end as are most College classes and frankly, I am grateful. Two nights a week since January which included several full days of working on projects so they could be completed in time to be graded was a bit intense. I have nothing but admiration for the Students who are attending classes full time, in any area of study as I had forgotten how gruelling the pace can be. On the other hand, it is also highly stimulating. The environment I was working in was always full of cheerful banter as well as groans of dismay when things didn’t work out. After all, clay is clay. it won’t always do what we attempt to make it do.

The funniest part for me was on my first project which was a historical vessel used in Peru way back when by a culture known as the Mochica People. The vessel is a full portrait of a warrior, and when I couldn’t get the nose right and had to ask for help from my instructor, it became clear that I was actually building the nose upside down! Yes, working in clay has a lot to do with perspective – mine has hopefully improved since then.

I also got into the habit of having a large mocha coffee at break time while in class, and then once the cleanse started I have been whining ever since. Sometimes it is the simplest things that can make our day – like a delicious steaming mocha coffee. Can you tell I am still on the cleanse?

If you have a student in your life who is facing finals, packing up dorms, and out looking for employment; treat them kindly. They are amazing young people who brighten our world as they learn and grow.

Now that Spring appears to be well on it’s way in, we are noticing minor and sometimes major house repairs and fixes, and general spring cleanup taks that need to be done. Everything from window washings to gutter cleanings. But isn’t it glorious to be able to enjoy the warmer breezes and brighter sunshine in the great outdoors? Soon we will be planting as the earth renews and begins once again the growing season. Life is marvelous, full of adventures that change as the seasons do. I wish you many wonderful discoveries this spring of 2007.

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