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Ep: 30 Animals And The Spirit Connection

Ep: 30 Transcript


Jennifer Gunson 0:02
Welcome to another episode of Medium Well With Psychic Sharyn Rose. How do you know if your pet is still with you after they pass? How do you understand the connection between wild animals when you encounter them? Do they mean something to you? How does the animal connection overlap with the spirit and the human journey? Well, listen to Sharyn now as she shares her thoughts and experiences.

Do You Choose Your Own Spirit Animal?

Sharyn 0:27
Hey, hello, everybody, and welcome back to Medium Well, I’m Sharyn Rose. Remember, before you leave this podcast make sure you listen to it all the way through so that you get the animal card. I’m going to pull a card that is related to animal totems, and animal spirit guides. So stick around till the end, it’s only going to be about 15 to 20 minutes long. Hopefully, you’re going to enjoy this podcast. Today, I will respond to some of the emails I’m getting. I’m getting a ton of responses to people who are asking for particular types of topics, and things they’d like to hear. One of the emails I got was quite long, and about how much this young lady is really enjoying listening to the podcast. So if you haven’t had a chance to listen to any epsiodes yet. You might want to take listen to some of the others because they’re pretty good. There’s lots of good information in these episodes. Today, I want to talk a little bit more about animal spirits. This particular client that had sent me this request, lost a very dear friend of hers who happened to be four-legged. When she lost him, she was lost. This is a gal who has had a heck of a life story. She’s worked really hard her whole life. She’s just a little Dynamo. She’s one of those warrior women and had a beautiful dog called Sammy. When Sammy passed, she was lost. While she was at work, Sammy would be her companion, and he’d be the one that would be with her and hang out with her. She’d shared dinner with him the whole bit. They did lots of nature walks. Her first question to me in our session was what happens to your pet after they pass? How do you know they’re still there? She said she was really shocked when Sammy died because he made his spirit known to her and that his energy was around her at particular times. Another question that came up is when you run across other animals when you are out in nature, on a regular basis, what does that mean? I want to address first of all, how do we know our spirit animals around us?

A photo of water making an outline of a whale tale. The spirit of a whale.

What Is A Person’s Spirit Animal?

I’ve told you lots of stories about the particular animals that I’ve had in my life. One of the animals I have, of course, was a cat who passed and kept showing up. But he shows up all the time energetically. He’s even had my husband so far as get out of his chair to go feed him even though he is now a spirit animal. You can tell your animals are with you by some of the things that will happen in your home. For example, if you have a new pet, they will notice the old pet and they will often play with them. You’ll sometimes hear and feel them right next to you and it just gives you that warm feeling in your chest when you think about them.

What Do Different Spirit Animals Represent?

The second thing I wanted to talk about was what does it mean when we run into different animals out in nature? Well, we all know that we have animal spirit guides. You can actually find out what your animal spirit guide is by looking up your birthdate. For me, I always knew it was the Raven. When I would see the Raven, I always just knew that I was being guided. But I didn’t live in an area where there were Ravens and even though I lived in BC, and I moved across the Rockies to Alberta, it wasn’t until I actually came into Alberta that I started seeing ravens a lot more. When I looked up my birthdate to find my totem animal, it came up as a Raven. If you’re intuitive, there’s a very good chance you already know what your spirit animal is. One of the things this gal asked me about was the significance of seeing a fox. The reason for this inquiry was a fox came and visited her every morning at work. Unfortunately, the fox eventually passed away. However, when this sad event took place her father buried the fox, so they could find eternal rest. The passing of this fox was very upsetting to this girl and unfortunately like everything in life when it’s time to go, it’s time to go.

What Are Signs From Pets In The Afterlife?

I have many clients that come into my office and want to talk about their crossover dogs or cats or four-legged loved ones. However, some of them aren’t so easy to figure out what kind of animals they are. One time I had a fellow come in and I ended up communicating with his turtle. This was really interesting because ad first I didn’t know the type of animal I was communicating to. I just knew that it was different. Communicating with animals is a lot easier for me than communicating with people that have crossed over to spirit. Not that it’s hard to communicate with crossed-over people, it’s just animals are quicker, they’re faster, and they’re simpler. They come through, they give you the message, they hang out for a bit, then they leave. I find that I have really clear visuals when I’m communicating with crossed-over animals. One of the gals that wrote me an email about that inspired the topic for this podcast episode is Rebecca, shout out to you Rebecca, sending you big love, and thank you so much for your amazing email. One of the things that she said was a Sammy her dog took her on dream journeys. Animals come to earth to support our journey, and to help us learn how to grow and become bigger and better and stronger, and return to alignment.

What Does A Fox Symbolize?

Now going back to the situation with the fox. If you ever were to look up the symbolism of Fox, the symbolic meaning is physical or mental responsiveness. So increased awareness and seeing through deception. Rebecca, you know, you’re doing that all the time at work, ability to find your way around to be swift in tricky situations. So, for example, if you work in a position where now Rebecca’s job is outdoors and with a lot of men, and so sometimes you have to really stick to your guns because the men you work with can be very challenging at times. That’s just the way it is when a woman gets into a line of work that is male-dominated. The Fox also represents the affinity with nocturnal activities. When the Fox appears to you in life, it encourages action and quick swift movements. The Fox is quick right? So it means you may be called on to take action in a way this shows your adaptability and your ability to move quickly and move quickly through obstacles and resistance. And being inspired by a fox told him you can work at developing the sharpness of your mental skills, your analytical intelligence and your power of deduction. and your observation can come into play more powerfully and how you deal with daily matters or bigger projects. Of course, everybody’s back at work. Currently, there are no more shutdowns, all these crews are back at work and very busy. The spirit of the fox may also imply that you’re sharpening your physical alertness and your responsiveness. Of course, that has to do with your position at work. So again Rebecca, thank you for your email, I really appreciated it.

What Does It Mean When A Woodpecker Comes To Visit You?

Another animal that comes up frequently and was mentioned in Rebecca’s email, was the woodpecker. She was talking about how she was having some very close interactions with woodpeckers. So I thought, well, maybe I can help Rebecca, understand the meaning behind woodpeckers. Let’s take a look at the woodpecker in my book. There’s a book that I use a lot to get references for the type of work that I do. here is the woodpecker. Just to mention the book is by Steven Farmer, it’s just a brilliant book called Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer.

Dr. Steven Farmer’s Book On Animal Spirit Guides

Please get the book if you guys are interested in animals, and what different types of animals represent. But if a woodpecker shows up, often for you, it means that a storm is brewing either literally or metaphorically, but have faith you’re protected no matter what. So whether that storm is blowing, or brewing it doesn’t matter. You’re entering into a time of abundance and plenty. That’s good news for you, Rebecca, you’re back at work and this could mean an abundance or getting a paycheck. So in this case what you would like to do is go to a place in nature and lie on your back on the ground, breathe slowly and steadily and see if you can feel Mother Earth’s heartbeat. The woodpecker is asking you to do this journey. Pay particular attention to your own cycles and rhythms and do your best to honour them by aligning yourself with them, rather than being contrary to them. Now, when people are in alignment with nature, so for those of you that are hearing this for the first time, and are connecting with woodpeckers for the first time. If this happens to be your first time what you might want to do is take part in this exercise, and just see how you’re tuning into Mother Earth, how Mother Earth is tuning in to you, and how that’s going for you.

How Do Deceased Pets Communicate?

I just want to mention this again I really love getting this email. Rebecca, thanks again, I really, really appreciate it. This topic relates to a lot of people. I had a client today who had lost a pet and then they had gotten a new pet fairly quickly. It was kind of interesting because the question arose does the past pet get jealous. Now, a lot of the time with animals, we’ll see characteristics and behaviours in our animals that are similar to the animal that we lost. But it is very much that way with animals, a lot of the time they will carry on as if they were that animal. on. And the personality is not 100% what theirs was, but you can see shades of the past pet in that animal’s character. That happens a lot with dogs and cats. Now a lot of people have a natural affinity for cats, and I’m talking about domestic cats. So if you’re really into cats, I’m going to give you the symbolism around cats. Because of COVID lots of people really adopted pets. So there’s a reason why that happens and there is a symbolism around cats. Cats carry many meanings revolving around the balance between opposites such as inner and outer, taking action or resting. Light and Dark is also strongly symbolic of the connection of what usually hides in darkness, or is unknown. The cat will usually represent patience and wait for the right moment to act.

What Do Cats Signify Spiritually?

Cats are very connected to self-healing from the inside out. Instead of from the outside in. We have to remember that cats as we now know them today are domestic animals. They were introduced by European settlers, and so, therefore, don’t really have a part of the original totem traditions. However, cat symbolism pervaded many ancient and modern cultures. Of course, the most well-known is the ancient Eygpains worshiping the cat. Nowadays, the cat is often part of our ordinary life and an inspiring animal totem for many of us.

What Is The Symbolic Meaning Of A Dog?

Okay, so let’s take a look at the dog. To clarify I’m talking about just a regular, ordinary dog, not any wolf or coyote or any of that. Our family has a grand dog, I actually have a couple of grand dogs. So as a big shout out to Cali, and a big shout out to Lucy, both of them, I adore them. They’re absolutely the most delightful little dogs. And dogs are really representative of a symbol of loyalty, some of the questions around dogs are, there’s a quote here, no animal I know of can consistently be more of a friend and companion than a dog. That’s Stanley Liu and wall, Lynn wall, that wrote that dogs really are a symbol of loyalty. They’re loyal to anyone they see as their family. There are tons of stories throughout history of dogs staying by their own side, even at great risk to themselves. Now with the internet, you can find a variety of dogs, there was one that I found out long, where a lady who was walking her dog had an epileptic seizure, and the dog literally stood in the middle of the road until the next card. Pat went to pass and stopped. And the man got out and went to the woman that was laying on the sidewalk and got help for his owner. So they’re amazing. People who are experiencing loneliness, or betrayal may find the dog totem appearing in their lives as a reminder that loyalty does exist, even though you are betrayed. Loyalty is a very real thing. You can tap into your own intuitive gift to manifest positive outcomes for yourself and for others by harnessing the power of ceremony around healing and positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. And you do that by bringing the practice of meditation and visualizing your animal bring your animal in with you. My low my beautiful cat used to sit with me when I’d meditate. Soon as I sat down on my meditation cushion. He was right beside me. And we actually started this when he was a kitten. I also had a meditation rock on the acreage and I would go and sit on the meditation rock and he would come up and sit right beside me. I really felt the loyalty they’re in right now.

What Do Dogs Teach Us Spiritually?

Dogs are a symbol of unconditional love and perseverance. They’re a symbol of playfulness. It doesn’t matter how hard they work, they always have time for play, you will notice that whether it’s chasing a ball or wrestling on the floor, they really like it, and they approach it with joy. And the dog spirit animal reminds us it’s always important to take some time to enjoy life. There are amazing stories of dogs continuing to work well past the point of exhaustion.The dog totem can symbolize that kind of persistence, and it comes into your life during a difficult time. It can be a sense assigned to continue on, no matter what don’t give up and how find meaning. So how to find meaning to help you understand the meaning of your dog spirit animal. Ask yourself these questions. So how does a dog come into your experience? Reflect on your need for companionship? And are you or others around you being faithful to either yourself or toward others? And are you giving or receiving unconditional love? And the last question is do you need to take a break from life’s responsibilities and play more? I love that. I really love that. So there’s the meaning of dogs. Dogs will come up in your dreams, you’ll come across dogs all over the place, like all the time, and I was mentioning that the raven is an animal that’s relevant to me. The Raven is my tone, as I mentioned. So let’s talk a little bit about the Raven spirit animal. I love the Raven. I can remember when I was going to a retreat in Jasper in the Rockies and I had three women with me. And I wanted to stop because it was pouring rain, by the way, as we’re driving into the Rockies, and we drove up to this one part of the road and on the guardrail, where there was kind of a turnout, people were looking at different things because it was a view South viewpoint. There was a raven sitting right on the rail and we parked right in front. I told them I said, pull in, I need to go and say hi to the Raven. And they laughed at me two of them did one of them didn’t. Two of them did. They were like, oh haha, you’re crazy. That’s weird, odd. And I just thought them I mean, that’s fine. Not everybody believes the way I believe if a raven told him is in your life, it signifies that magic is at play. And Raven ignites the energies of magic, allowing it to become one with our intentions, and our will and look at the work I do. I didn’t know I was going to be doing that even when Raven was important to me. Initially, when I was younger, great changes can be achieved at this time and dreams can become a reality. The Raven will show you how to walk into the dark corners of your inner conflicts, buried deep within and open the doors to the deepest Power of Healing within our grasp. Isn’t that cool? When Raven comes into your life, it’s assuring you of the impending change. He brings with him the ability to bend time and space for the perfect moment at the right time. Raven signifies rebirth, renewal, reflection and healing. And Raven helps the transitions and transformations move along smoothly by casting light into the darkness. So when Raven enters your life, if you run across ravens, if you’re in the mountains, just revere them, human and animal spirits intermingle. It’s the blackness of the Raven that symbolizes that everything mingles until it is brought forth into the light. And the Raven can help facilitate this moving into the light, as well as shape-shifting your life and your being. And literally, I literally was able to change my whole life story by connecting fully and deeply with the Raven on a more spiritual level, after I started doing this work, so it’s really fascinating animals, their totems, animals that we have, in our domestic life, the meaning behind them, pay attention to the animals you see in your world.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of The Butterfly?

Butterflies come up a lot or anything on the wing. Actually, people who have transitioned loved ones will send messages back, because anything on the wing is not gravitationally stuck. Does that make sense? Anything on the way could be an insect, it could be bees, it could be butterflies, dragonflies, it could be birds, it could be anything like that will symbolically be able to bring your messages. Make sense? Okay, isn’t that interesting for the card I picked for you? I picked the elk. So this card says to stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what. And others will treat you with the respect that you deserve. Somebody needs to hear this out there. You must stand tall and stay dignified, stand within your power and stand within the power that God has given you the universe has provided for you or that you’ve chosen to take on for yourself. Stand tall with dignity and others will treat you with the respect that you deserve. All right, that’s my little additional blurb on animals, and how you can identify whether you’ve got animals in your life and what they mean and how you can connect with your crossover animals. Until next time, thank you so much for tuning in. I’ll see you again next week. Bye-bye for now.


Jennifer Gunson 24:26
Thank you for listening to another episode of the Medium Well With Psychic Sharyn Rose. If you love listening to this podcast, we have one little favour to ask you. Please follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. If you love learning from Sharyn Well she’s got a few great courses that are ongoing. Why don’t you register for Kitchen Witchin it’s on now all you have to do for more information is go to Or if you’d like to book an appointment with Sharyn for reading or if you’d like to know more about Sharyn her psychic services coaching set shins and more workshops go to That’s Sharon with a Y we’ll talk to you next time

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