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Ep: 47 Are You A Procrastinator?

Ep: 47 Transcript


Jennifer Gunson 0:03
Are you a procrastinator? Do you have the desire to have your own holistic business as a healer, psychic or medium? Listen in while Sharyn shares what she has learned from being a procrastinator herself, how you can achieve your goals and how she now gets past being a procrastinator. Lots of tools and techniques she’s going to show you – all you have to do is have a pen and paper ready. Let’s get started.

Is Procrastination A Unhealthy Behavior?

Sharyn 0:32
Hey, everybody; thanks for popping on! Welcome to this episode of Medium Well with Psychic Sharyn Rose. I think it’s episode 47! We’re getting there. Look at that, you guys! July is our year anniversary. And I’m not sure if my wise producer will have some treat in mind for you guys or if I’m going to come up with something or would come up with something together. But today is an exciting and timely thing for us to do. Today, I want to talk to you about procrastinating. Yes, psychics procrastinate too! Being psychic means that we’re not infallible and live in the human world in a human experience. That’s why we came here to apply our spiritual awareness, etc. Through the world of physicality. So, the actual word, just in case you weren’t sure, and don’t forget, I’m going to draw a card when we get done. And I will use the same deck I used for the last. I will use the Daily Affirmation deck for the previous podcast. And these are Shelley Richardson’s cards. I liked these cards because daily affirmations are good.

A photo of a chalkboard with procrastination and other associated words listed on it.

Is Procrastinate Same As Lazy?

So back to procrastinating. The word itself, procrastinates is Latin, is Latin word. And that means belonging to tomorrow. How appropriately. And if you look in the dictionary, the dictionary says procrastination; that definition is putting things off intentionally or habitually. Procrastination has been the one thing I have struggled with, on and off, and I say on and off, so it’s not customary with me. It’s there. And I think that’s because what is the cause? Right? What is the cause of the procrastination? Because there are different causes. I’m going to talk about that for you today. So, if you tend to procrastinate, how can you stop? Because I’ll tell you what if I had procrastinated when I lost my job and had nowhere to go, nothing to do, nowhere to be, and didn’t take any classes or didn’t further myself in any way, I would never be doing this work, I would never be doing this work. Because I would never have gone back to school, I wouldn’t have been able to, I wouldn’t have been able to function with this because I wouldn’t know first of all, but I bit the bullet, I flew to England, scared to death. But I didn’t put it off. I didn’t put it off. Because I just have this sense, this feeling. And let me tell you how procrastination and your psychic sense they’re connected. And when you’re little radar when you’re laying in bed, covering up your head, because you know, you’ve got a crucial meeting and you’ve got two hours to do it. And you’re that person that waits till the last minute, you’re scared, and you get that pit in your stomach feeling sick. That is your psychic sense: Get your butt out of bed and get going because this is important. It’s an essential thing for you. Seneca said while we waste our time, hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away. Right? Now there’s two words in the English language that I struggle with those are shouldn’t; when people say why you should be doing this, you shouldn’t be doing that, or you should be doing that, I run in the other direction. Do you know why? Because should is a social word. And often, when someone says, Well, you should be doing it this way. Are you sure even they say to themselves, or I might say to myself, I really should be blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? I’m saying I’m doing it for others; I’m not doing it for myself. And if you’re not self-satisfying in any way, who cares about others? It doesn’t matter; it will not do any good because you will not be affected. So you’ve got things I should and would like to do. And in some cases, they overlap. So if you took a circle, and you put things I should do, and you overlap another process, and right in that things I would like to do, then in the center of that overlap area is where they meet. So are the things you like to do that you should be doing. If you want to use the word should then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make another circle and write down the things that you do when you are procrastinating because there are a lot of different things that you can do that you can get involved in. Some people watch TV; they put things off. My big thing is playing games on my iPad. Ah, it can take two hours, blow two hours, and lose two hours by playing games on iPad No. So what I’ve done is I, in my day, I’ve said, you have permission from yourself. I have permission from myself that if I want to sit down, I want to play some games on my iPad at a certain point in my day. I permit myself to do that. But only after I’ve done the things that I wanted to get it done today or on that day, okay?

How Do You Deal With Guilt Procrastination?

So procrastination is one of the main barriers blocking you from getting up from making the right decisions. And living the dream, you’ve thought of. And it, you know, studies show that feelings of regret, guilt and missed opportunities tend to stay with you much longer when you put things off, which can lead to depression. And that has been my experience. When I procrastinate, I get so down and feel unmotivated. And I feel so blah, I don’t even want to eat; I don’t want to eat, all I want to do is sleep. And I want to avoid everybody. And part of that is because of my sensitivity to people, and I when I’m feeling down, I feel like everybody’s going to be, you know, that I raining on all their parades. But the other part is that I’m just putting off what I want to get done. And it’s usually stuff I want to do anyway. So it makes you kind of question. So let’s go through why in some cases, sometimes we have opportunities right at our fingertips, and we, they seem to be so elusive. And if we can overcome procrastination, then we would find that those opportunities would be closer to us, we’re not going to, you know, we’re going to be leading more into a fulfilled life.

What Is At The Root Of Procrastination?

So why do people procrastinate? Why is the reason that there a lot of different reasons? Often it’s willpower. People often say, Well, you don’t have any willpower; you put it off. But willpower is often thought of as the leading cause. But it’s our motivation that helps us to overcome the habit of putting things off daily. So decision paralysis, people should be happy today; shouldn’t modern society be satisfied? Because we have such freedom, we have such liberty. And we believe that the more accessible people are, the happier they will be. So why are people not more comfortable? And it’s because this will make so much sense to you, especially those running your businesses, with more freedom to make your own decisions. And to perform our actions, we become easily confused about what is a priority, which creates decision paralysis. So what’s essential and not, and what is right and wrong? Therefore we become demotivated to do anything at all. And you know what, it’s funny because you want to do it for yourself. So we must have our visions in the right place and cultivate positive habits. As for me, I remember when I went to England to school to train as a psychic and as a medium, the one thing that I got very clearly was I had no discipline. And my Welsh instructor was very clear; she came up to me one day when I was struggling and struggling and struggling. And she stood right beside me. And she says, does have land and jar and discipline. And I was like, ah, because I lacked discipline. And that messed with my positive habits; I didn’t have a positive practice of discipline and focus. And if you’re going to work in this industry, you want to be able to focus. Or any industry, if you’re going to set up your own business, you better be disciplined to some degree, or you’re never going to make any money or have any money or have a thing results from or grow your business. That’s one of your positive habits. So decision paralysis, that’s what that is. That’s what creates that. So to overcome that, set up some personal vision. So create a vision board. That’s one of the best ways to make a vision board and permit yourself to dream. And on your vision board, you can dream about all the areas of your life that you want to see a change to be the way they are or the way you want them to be. Some things might work the way they are. You might be happy in some areas but don’t need it there. But if you’re growing your business, wanting a new home, or looking for that particular type of relationship or paralysis, decision paralysis can stop you cold. If you don’t have a personal vision, create a vision board that will help you ignore the value of time. And that quote from Seneca applies to this. We’re born, and we all are going to die is just a fact it is dead is as much a part of life as life is and the amount of time we spend on Earth is limited and finite.

Why Is Time The Most Valuable Thing In Life?

So time is the most valuable commodity you have. It’s not money because, unlike when you can borrow money, you can save and earn more. You can’t do that with time. Every single second you waste is gone. Now for some of you that are listening to this that are procrastinators, this is going to make you panic. You’re going to be like, Oh, no, golly, I said, because you’re going to go backwards, you’re going to in your head, you’re going to think back, you’re going to go, Oh, my God, I wasted so much time, well, I may as well give up now, because I’ve already wasted so much time, there’s nothing that’ll be done for me. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Realizing life is finite leads people to manage their time more carefully. You know, Dr. Phil, it’s not my favourite show on the planet. But he has some perfect ideas. One of the things he did was with a couple fighting with each other, and they weren’t getting along very well. And he did it a couple of times, actually, on his show, is he got this substantial long tape measure on the floor. So it was done digitally. And he had them stand on where their year was. So it was laying out the years of your life. Because he says the average lifespan is about 85, say, years old, pretty close on there. 85 to 90, I think people are living a little bit longer. So he had them go and stand on their age, where their age was. And these were people that were in their 60s, and in some cases, 70s didn’t even have them look behind them. He said that’s your life back there. That’s where you were. And there is where you’re going? Do you want to waste the rest of your life fighting with each other or wasting your time in what you know, whatever capacity? Maybe you don’t want to work on developing the relationships; you want to try and learn how to make that cake you’ve been wanting to bake or build that business you’ve been trying to develop. And I’ll tell you what, that’s eye-opening when you see that because here are these people standing on this lifeline. And their majority, three-quarters of their life, is already gone and done. So why would you procrastinate when you’ve only a little bit left? And why would you procrastinate anyways, because eventually, we’re all checking out? So know that if you’re that person, maybe you want to start paying attention to the finite time you have that there’s it’s limited. The next one is a lack of self-discipline.

How Can I Train Myself To Be Motivated?

Well, there we go, Sharyn, hello! This is Sharyn. This is me, and this is when I get demotivated. If I don’t have the right motivation and learn to maintain it and work on my positive habits, I will start procrastinating. So it’s not the discipline itself or the self-control as I tell myself what I’m supposed to do. It’s, it’s I’m having a hard time following the things I’m saying to myself, but it’s not the primary cause. It’s just a vital compound that must be disciplined and have the correct type of motivation. So the different kinds of motivation, and sometimes setting goals doesn’t work because you know how people say well, just put some plans and then work towards those. Some people work some people it doesn’t. So there’s extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic, there’s goal-based motivation, and there’s intrinsic motivation. So, rewards and punishments are carrots and sticks; they were developed to force people into performing actions they would never consider. So many companies will do that when you do well at your work, they’re good with you. If you don’t do well at work, they’re not happy with you. And with ourselves, our brain releases less dopamine when we’re less comfortable. And studies have confirmed that using extrinsic motivation lowers performance in activities that require even a little brain work and creativity, so carrots and sticks are not all that effective. Goal-based motivation drives people forward, causing them to work hard for the goals, which means sooner or later, they will indeed get them. But when that finally does happen, get a one-time dose of dopamine, resulting in an intense emotion or joy. And then what follows next is called and known as the donec adaptation. And this causes people to get accustomed to their accomplished goals unexpectedly, and then a few minutes, hours, or, at most, days upon reaching a dream, the positive feelings disappear. So you find these workaholics that are out there, and they work, and they work, and they work, and they reach a goal. And they go, yeah, good for me. And then a day later, they’re all down on themselves and going well, that was fun. Now what? Right, goal-based, so that can work, but you always want to ensure that you’re also keeping focus. Intrinsic motivation is meaning and vision that provide long-lasting and survival motivation. So when people see the purpose in their actions and know why they’re doing something, mainly when they want to perform them, intrinsic journey-based motivation is one of the most potent forms of motivation. This type of motivation is based on having a personal vision. That is essential when you set up your own business. You must have a unique idea because you didn’t set a goal. That’s great. But if you don’t have a personal vision, you’re doing it, you’re going to be working for that goal, and you’re going to wear out burnout, you’re not going to be happy, and you’ll start putting things off. Unlike chasing dreams, a personal vision is an expression of something lasting. So it’s all ahead of you. And it’s always satisfying. It answers how you would most like to spend your time in life. And it focuses on actions, not results. Now, remember that it focuses on activities, not results. Focuses on the journey, not the destination. That is so important! And we often forget the trip when we become transactional in our thinking. And you know, when you’re a business person, it doesn’t matter if your business is massage therapy, or if you’re a chiropractor, or if you’re a psychic or life coach or medium. It doesn’t matter if you’re a car salesman; it doesn’t matter what you do. If you become only transactional, it’s all about the goal, and reaching that goal and reaping the reward, or the carrots and sticks, you’re really in trouble. Because you don’t feel like when you get up in the morning, you have a reason to get up except to go and meet that demand that’s been put upon you by yourself or somebody else.

What Is A Vision Board?

Okay, you want to have a personal vision; it’s essential. Again, vision boards, build a vision board so you’ve got it right in front of you. And I can do a workshop on vision boards. We will probably do a workshop on vision boards down the road here. So procrastination is not laziness. You know, we put off doing things. So we leave some things to the very last minute or sometimes even spend time staring at the wall. But it is not a synonym for laziness and being careful. You don’t lay that on your doorstep, lazy. People don’t do anything. And they’re okay with it. Procrastinators desire to do something but can’t force themselves to start. Okay, it’s beginning; it’s getting going. I always remember; I don’t remember who said it. But the analogy I always used was when I was growing up; ironing was big. And I started ironing, family, and clothes. And we are pillowcases in my home. I did not we when I was probably six years old or seven years old. And I did the ironing right up until I left home at 17. And I remember that the most challenging part about ironing was getting out the ironing board and filling up the iron with the water that you needed. Plugging it in, letting it heat up. Once I started ironing, holy, I enjoyed it was very zen relaxing, nobody was going to bug me because I was busy doing something, and I wasn’t going to get asked to do anything else. And nobody was going to be mad at me. People would leave me alone. I loved it was great. But getting the doggone ironing board out and the iron. There are lots of tasks we take on, even if they’re self-imposed in setting up again, our own business or working for somebody else, that we will put off the starting. And when you put off the starting, that can make you feel like you’re lazy; you’re not being lazy. But you will feel guilty. If you’re a procrastinator or lazy, you won’t care. It’s not going to make any difference. So you got to give it the correct name, relaxation. Some people never chill. I remember the first time my husband grew up in a household similar to mine, where they had a solid work ethic. And I remember the first time we went to the Dominican Republic and went on a beach holiday for the very first time by ourselves without a whole bunch of people around us. I mean, there were people around us, but not France, we were travelling on just two of us. My husband for the very first time. I think it was maybe the second or third time, the second or third time that we went on holiday. I remember the first time he lay on a lounger on the beach, enjoying the sunshine for a full day. He got up, walked around, and did a few things here and there. But he didn’t have to be Go, go go. He had never learned how to relax. How many of you are like that because he thought relaxing was lazy? And if he was relaxing and he was being lazy, then he was procrastinating. It just was a vicious circle. But once he realized that when he was in a place that was appropriate for relaxing, relax, you get home from the end of your day, and you want to sit down, and you want to watch a television show and relax, do it. Don’t feel like that’s procrastination because relaxing recharges you with energy. At the same time, procrastination drains energy from you. And if you’re going to tap into your psychic sense and understand me, everybody’s psychic. Everybody has the ability. If you’re relaxing and feeling good, you know you’re recharging and feeling like you’re restoring or feeling nothing but guilt and anxiety. Practice relaxing if you’re having trouble relaxing. The less energy you have, the more stressed or depressed you might become and the higher your chances of putting off your responsibilities.

Are Our Brains Programmed To Procrastinate?

So the opposite of procrastination is getting things done. That makes sense, right? And being able to relax and deal with your workload well and be happy in the long term. There’s a myth about procrastination. I used to believe this myth. And I used to tell people; there’s Oh yeah, I work better under pressure. How many of you say that you work better under pressure? We hear the excuses. People often love leaving things to the last minute; they justify their actions by claiming they’re most productive under pressure, which I’ve always done. Scientific studies have shown that the opposite is true. Putting things off until the very last moment creates fertile ground for stress, guilt, and ineffectiveness. Did you get that? So don’t put it off till tomorrow; which you can do today? That is an old saying, and it hits the nail on the head with this. So what is procrastination? Why fight it? How to stop it.

Here are some tools. I’ve mentioned personal vision; create a vision board, okay? Personal picture is one of the core tools. Create a vision board or write down what you want to do. Help yourself set the unique vision of what you want, what you are working towards, not just the goals, but the personal vision so that you know why you’re getting out of bed in the morning. You know what your day is leading to and understand what motivates you, and you’ll be able to maintain your discipline and make the most out of each day. Number two, your to-do list; long to-do lists tend to pile on. And it leads to procrastination when you’ve got tons and tons of things you’ve got on your list. Seeing that a long list of tasks can frustrate us so much, we tend to give up on them altogether. Now, what’s funny as I always have a to-do list; I have these little sticky notes everywhere. I also have little white pieces of paper; I have notes everywhere, stuck to my computer, stuck in my day timer. Because I’m a note taker, I list maker. And if I do a task that’s not on my list that needs to get done, I will write it to all do the job. But then I’ll add it to my list and cross it off. Do you know why? Because when I look at my list at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how long the list is. My discipline has allowed me to make ongoing lists, and I’ll take a transfer from today over to tomorrow of what didn’t get done. But I will also be able to be proud of myself and feel good about the things I got done that day. Even though I didn’t complete the list, that’s okay; I did the things that I knew were top priorities. So priorities. So when you do it to-do list, prioritize, write out your list of things you want to do, and then go, this is number one, this is number two, this number three, and do them in turn. Number three is a habit list. Learning new habits is one of the essential elements of productive personal development. And, of course, learning new positive thinking habits and action is significant for your mental health and implementation. Now a new practice can also change the neural pathways in your brain so that you’re going to get rid of the old habit, which is good; it’ll just rewire. So the habit list is based on scientific research about proper planning, learning habits, and tracking, which motivates us even further. Because a habit list lets you see where you’re, you’re processing and progressing. And number four, meeting, having an appointment, discussing with you. It’s a time allocated just for you. And during your session, you can focus on your long-term planning and the overall retrospective of your personal growth. This is important. One of the things that I often do, and I do it myself too, I teach a lot of my coaching clients about mirror work, and I do it myself, I’ll stand in the mirror when I’m doing my hair in the morning or doing my makeup and a job to myself, I don’t have a meeting, that’s when I’ll have my meeting is when I’m looking myself in the eye. Unless I’m putting on the mascara, you know, that’s a little tougher. But I will meet with myself about what’s happening in the day. And what I’m looking forward to doing. Because what I do is set it up now so that when I get this and this test done, I’ve got room to do my planning in regards to the dreaming because I’m always dreaming. So meeting with yourself, make sure you do that take some time and have a meeting with yourself.

How Do I Stop Laziness And Procrastination?

Okay, those are just some tips. And that’s an overview. There are lots of online courses and all kinds of things. We’ll be offering an online course down the road here regarding overcoming procrastination, and we’ll go a little deeper into the process. And it’ll be like a two-hour workshop that we’ll do on some afternoon at some point or that you’ll have an opportunity to sign up for. Okay, that was fun! So, if you’re getting into psychic work, I understand procrastination will become a part of your world because most psychics and intuitive jobs are independent. And they especially people that have their holistic practices like chiropractors and physios and the Reiki and the reflexology and against the all the healers out there. And by the way, bless you all for doing your work. We need more and more healers, practitioners, teachers, guides, and coaches in the holistic industry in the world today. We need them; we need them. So get your training, put your goals together, create that vision board, and have fun. And here’s the affirmation card that I picked. And this is the affirmation you write this down. I let go of all I no longer love, need or use. I adore space. You love that. I let go of all I no longer love, need or use. I adore space. That’s it for me! And that’s it. That’s episode 47 – be firing this off, and we’ll get it set and set up. And I’ll see you next week when I’m back with episode 48. Thanks for listening. Bye-bye for now.


Jennifer Gunson 26:13
Thank you for listening to another episode of Medium Well with Psychic Sharyn Rose. If you love listening to this podcast, we have one little favour to ask you. Please follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts. If you love learning from Sharyn, she has a few ongoing courses. Why don’t you register for Kitchen Witchen – it’s on now! All you have to do for more information is going to Or if you’d like to book an appointment with Sharyn for a reading, or if you’d like to know more about Sharyn, her psychic services, coaching sessions and more workshops, go to That’s Sharyn with a “Y.” We’ll talk to you next time!

Transcribed by